Noah Ryan is hands down the best person to follow on Twitter if you want to learn how to be a healthier, happier human. And today, he's on the podcast.
Listen It is estimated that 81% of Americans want to write a book and even feel they have a book in them [1]. That's about 263.8 million people. Of those 263.8M, only ...
Listen my hero is a man who has written a blog every day for nearly 20 years (7,000+ posts), in addition to 17 books, many of them bestsellers. His name is Seth Godin, and all you have to do is read one of his posts to realize that he may be one of the smartest people in the world.
Listen Self-help books don't help. Similarly, a lifesaver does not save the person's life who refuses to hold onto it.
Listen Jordan posed the question, "what is it that brings you most peace?" to podcasters around the world. The answers are, well, peaceful. This short, unconventional episode is sure to leave you full, whole, complete, and peaceful. Enjoy!
Listen Since Ponzi had a constant surplus of new investors, he easily paid off the older investors. In other words, people were giving him more money than he was returning. Theoretically, this could go on forever.
Listen All our lives, we search for our voices to relate to others, to let our thoughts into the great big world, and ultimately to be heard, understood, and believed in, in the way we so long to be heard, understood, and believed in.
Listen Those eager to grasp opportunities for their betterment, do attract the interest of the good goddess, as she is ever anxious to aid those who please her ...
Listen Clutter can increase stress by distracting us and overwhelming our senses with extraneous stimuli and stress, which research has shown is the leading cause of disease. Research also shows that one of the top 5 stressors is clutter. Women specifically have shown to have chronic levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, if they perceive their homes as cluttered.
Listen Don't just make a living. Design a life.