June 28, 2018

The Mindset Needed to Write Your Book in 29 Days

It is estimated that 81% of Americans want to write a book and even feel they have a book in them [1]. That's about 263.8 million people.

Of those 263.8 million, only 45,300 are published authors [2], which is 0.00017%. Not to pump myself up, but I'm in that 0.00017%. Sorry, it's true. I'm also 20 years of age.With that, I have some insights into the state of mind necessary to write a book and do it in 29 days. It's also more than likely that you want to write a book. So, here are some of my journal entries from the middle of the writing process.

writing a book in 29 days

It seems the common denominator is JOY. My friend (21 years old) is writing a book. He started last week and has over 100 pages already. The common denominator has been the same with him as well. Producing outstanding results is all about putting yourself in a joyful state. It's going to very hard to produce outstanding results if you are in a miserable state of mind.So, I guess that begs the question, "How do I get into a joyful state of mind?"Fair enough.Well, the act of writing itself is conducive to a joyful state of mind, and even peace [3]. So, my answer is this: Just start. Write down bullet points of everything you would like to include in your book, then just start writing. Stop thinking so much, damn it, just do it. Are you going to be in the 0.00017% who can say they did it or the 99.99983% who want to but die with nothing to leave behind?To further supplement a joyful state of mind:

  • Read at least 15 pages of a book per day (this will also improve your writing [4])
  • Exercise
  • Eat clean
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Meditate on gratitude, ideas, and solitude

This is all stuff I did while writing my book in 29 days, and it ended up being the best time of my life (thus far).

To learn more, my book Growth Mindset University, after all, is about thinking better to live better, and thus, producing outstanding results. Additionally, in the chapter resources that come with the book comes a detailed "how to" overview of the writing and publishing process.

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