May 26, 2018

Law of Infinite Truths

As we read a variety of different books, we may find that one author says something that completely contradicts what an author of a previous book we read may have said. What gives? Well, it’s the Law of Infinite Truths:

Two opposing statements can be true for different people. For example, what is true for you may not be true for me. Nevertheless, it is true for someone. Therefore, all statements can be true.

One statement can be true for you while the opposing statement can simultaneously be true for me. Human beings are not one size fits all. Everyone has their own unique truths and principles that guide them along the journey of life. Every pair of contradictory statements can be true for different people, thus resulting in an infinite amount of truths. You just have to find the truths of your own life through exploring the wide-ranging spectrum of truths from various perspectives and minds through the books that are available to all of us.

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