October 18, 2018

Video: Not Only Is It OK to Get Help ... It's Responsible

Seeing a mental health counselor doesn't mean we are weak, broken, or inadequate.Seeing a mental health counselor means we are committed to continual growth and development, it means we are getting healthier, it means we are doing all we can to become all we were created to be.

No matter what it looks like from the outside, my life is not perfect. I have sticking points in my life, things that are missing, areas of my life that are not yet up to par.And for years, I refused help because it wouldn't fit the image I had for myself. I was cocky enough to think I could fix things all by myself.But we need each other, we need to open up to other people, and talking to a professional can put us on the right path.I was in counseling for an hour the other week, and I'll be back next week, not because something is wrong with me, but because I know I have a higher self inside me.And by the end of my life, I want to be able to look that man in the eyes, shake his hand, and have the sense that I really know him ... because I am him.It would be a great tragedy for that man to seem like a stranger, and as long as I stay static in my growth, that's the path I'm headed down.By going to counseling, I'm becoming more of my higher self.Part 1 (Nearly 10 Million Americans Consider Suicide Each Year): http://jordanparis.com/suicide

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