March 28, 2018

Grounded In the Roots of Purpose

What is it that you believe?What is your purpose? Your cause?What do you stand for?Why do you exist? What are you here for?

Whatever your answers may be, ensure that you ground yourself firmly into the roots of that purpose, cause, or belief before you start each day.

Find a podcast that supports what you stand for. Create a morning routine that embodies what you stand for.

Find anything supports your cause, do it first thing in the morning, then go out in the world to advance that cause.

Wake up, drink your damn passion, then go create shit. Simple. What good is a belly without fire in it?

Don't even go right for the phone or to check email. No phone for the first hour of the day. Don't let whatever brain candy that happens to pop up first dictate your day.I wish you could feel the adrenaline and passion in my blood flowing throughout my body as I type this. Maybe it comes through in my writing, but I don't know. All I know is that I'm responsible for the feeling I've created inside myself because I ground myself in my own purpose every morning.

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