Don't Be Afraid to Smell the Shit
Plumbing is pretty bad in Tulum. It's often nonexistent. There's a bathroom I walk by every day that smells brutal...

At present, I am in Tulum, Mexico.
Plumbing is pretty bad in Tulum.
It's often nonexistent.
There's a bathroom I walk by every day that smells brutal. So foul. Makes you shake your head back and forth violently.
I always avoid smelling it, opting instead to hold my breath for a long 15 seconds.
Today, as I walked by, I decided to just breathe. Smell it and all of its foulness.
Then, this thought hit me: Don't be afraid to smell the shit.
Applies to so many situations in life.
If we want to improve anything in any area of our lives, we have to reckon with it eventually.
We have to be willing to smell the shit.
Don't be afraid to smell the shit. Or else, you'll live in shit. Don't live in shit.